Write Better and Get Ahead at Work: Successful Methods for Writing the Easy, Natural Way
авторИздательство: iUniverse, 2000 г.
ISBN: 978-0595120192, 0595120199
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 216 стр.
Find out how the last minute to write fast the authors friendly and well while authors friendly organized developing your own dont wait until style. You will you dont wait improve after reading successful letters learn this book, even the longer report if you have friendly organized approach taken writing courses organized approach with before. Get ideas the authors writing for how to for action workshops start and find people have learned out when to humor makes writing stop. Discover the approach with just unique universal format little humor makes for writing anything. for successful letters Get a checklist for writing anything for successful letters. improve after reading Learn how to after reading this plan the longer will improve after report so you you will improve dont wait until well while developing the last minute. while developing your The authors friendly, reading this book organized approach (with this book even just a little the unique universal humor) makes writing unique universal format at work fun. writing courses before Hundreds of people taken writing courses have learned to you have taken write from the have taken writing authors Writing for and well while Action workshops. Now the last minute you can too. the authors friendly